"Help me do it myself"
Between the ages of 0 and 6, children strive to achieve physical independence.
At Bloom, we help them complete this stage of development by supporting their focus on self, and creating a learning environment in which they can explore movement, language, order, the development of the senses, small objects and concrete experiences.
We accomodate each child’s unique abilities and accompany their natural urge to learn and develop.
What are the needs of children at this stage?
Children ages 2 to 6 work independently or in small groups on specially designed, age-appropriate, resources that foster independence and a love for learning from an early age in the following areas:
Activities of everyday living
Knowledge &
Understanding of the World
A child who acquires the basic skills of reading and mathematics in this holistic learning environment has the advantage of beginning the education without pressure, boredom or discouragement.